Bold Moves: Ford Creates Authentic Documentary Series
Sunday, October 8, 2006 at 11:30AM
Thomas Clifford may not realize it, but this is history in the making!

I am excited...jealous...thrilled...hopeful...ecstatic!  

Those who believe that a camera does not change the outcome will be re-thinking that theory for some time.  hdrBoldMovesMain.gif

Why?  Ford Motor Company is creating a min-documentary series about the future of Ford called, Bold Moves.

What's the big deal?  The big deal is this:

In the intro video, the first words out of an executive's mouth in one of their meetings is: "It has to be authentic.  It has to be real and be lived authentically on the web."

This is a story about Ford's ability to tell their story about "Change or Die" in an authentic manner...warts, dreams and all.  All documented in real-time.

These video are short.  The videos are authentic films documenting the complete make-over of Ford.  They capture the heart and soul of a company; it's process of innovating products.

We, the viewer, finally get an on-going glimpse of what a company goes through to tell its story...authentically and with consumer participation.

Indeed, we are in some exciting times in the filmmaking world!

Director Tom


Update on Sunday, November 12, 2006 at 07:10PM by Registered CommenterThomas Clifford
In case you missed it, here's the trailer for the Ford "Bold Moves" min-documentary series. Ford is smart enough to document the turn-around of an underdog...let's see if they're smart enough to release the series on DVD.
Article originally appeared on B2B Copywriter | Hartford, CT (
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