I won't be producing videos for Warren Greshes any time soon.
He likes this video I produced and directed for him in 1999 so much he won't update it...at least anytime soon.
How come? It still works...and it works well.
Warren Greshes is not your typical speaker.
His amazing stage "presence" is considered "performance art." Like any great art, Warren's "art" is outrageous, inspiring, educational and solutions-based.
I produced this short video for Warren for one reason: to showcase his talents and skills as a world-class speaker and to attract more speaking engagements for Warren.
Did it succeed?
Here's Warren's own words:
5 Reasons Why I Love The Video You Produced For Me:
1. It paid for itself in less than a month. That video has been directly responsible for literally hundreds of thousands of dollars of new business for me over the years.
2. The editing is genius. The video flows beautifully and never lags. It catches your attention and holds it.
3. By shooting it in 35mm film, the quality is outstanding.
4. Even though the video is from 1999, it is still timely.
5. You and your crew were a pleasure to work with.
From a filmmaker's point of view, here's why I think the film still works. The film is:
1. Simple. Nothing fancy, cute or over-the-top.
2. Emotional. You're dead if you don't get a "kick" half-way through this video.
3. Short. A few minutes is all you need to convey the essence of someone.
4. Authentic. It's pure Warren. No voice-over trying to sell you something.
5. Identifiable. Most of us can identify with Warren's "I have no life" rant mid-way into the film.
Even though I won't be producing a new film for Warren in the near future, it's nice to know his film is making a difference in the world...and that, my friends, is what it's all about.