Secrets from a Corporate-Image Filmmaker: Part 1
Friday, September 29, 2006 at 10:14AM
Thomas Clifford

As a corporate-image filmmaker, I am a pretty lucky person. 

I've traveled the country, filmed in almost every state and most importantly...transformed, inspired and moved people to action along the way. 

I get to craft and shape an organization's image and story on film. 

Read that again...closely. 

Two of the most powerful tools available today, story + film, ignite together to create a "third dimension" for an organization's message.  Take a look at what I's Powerful stuff!


(photo: Light Traveler

When I started directing 23 years ago, I remember creating "reality television" videos for The Travelers Insurance.  We featured "real people with real stories" frequently.  We called it "cinema verite"  or "cinema of truth."  It's an accurate phrase becasue the "truth" or our "story" is contained in each of's undeniably yours.

It has also been tremendously rewarding to work closely with CEO's, Senior Management, HR Executives and Departmnent Executives of many organizations to tell their story on film.

When I say "story," I mean "authentic story."  

I'm not taking about some canned script that has been approved by everyone in the marketing department.  Nope.  I'm talking...the real deal.  I'm talking about the emotional DNA, or e-DNA, of a company's story contained in it's people.

Remember the cinema verite principle? 

Real people + real stories = Authentic Story; the eDNA.

So, I got to thinking...

Chances are many people have questions about how to tell their video story, like: 

"How do I know what to look for in a producer?"  "Are all filmmakers alike?"  "What makes a filmmaker different from the others?"  "How do they tell stories?"  "Who, then, should tell our corporate story?"

Stay tuned.  I will explore the "inner secrets" of what a coporate-image filmmaker offers an organization, why you should care about your video story and how an authentic video inspires people to action.

Films matter...the story is in the "e-DNA!"

Tom  :-)

Article originally appeared on B2B Copywriter | Hartford, CT (
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