Yikes! I Have to Produce a Corporate Video! Now What?
Saturday, October 6, 2007 at 06:15PM
Thomas Clifford in corporate video, linkedin, producing


I would venture to say that most people do not produce corporate videos as part of their daily routine at work.

As a matter of fact, my guess is that most folks probably never even created a video for their department or organization.

So when I posted "Is Corporate Video Art?" on LinkedIn's "Answers" and received an amazing collection of answers...

I decided to re-open this question: "Yikes! I Have to Produce a Corporate Video. Now What?" Check out the answers...pretty neat stuff.

If tomorrow you were faced with creating a video for your company, what questions are going through your mind now?

Perhaps you are thinking:

Let's say your video will be used to: (pick one or make up one)

What questions are buzzing around your head that you want answers to?

What questions do you want answered that will bridge the gap from feeling confused to feeling comfortable?

I'll tackle the answers to some of these questions in a future post.

Post your comments here or at LinkedIn's "Answers." Thanks!


Article originally appeared on B2B Copywriter | Hartford, CT (http://www.directortom.com/).
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