Creativity: 5 Qualities of "Divine Discontinuity"
Tuesday, December 18, 2007 at 09:50PM
Thomas Clifford in consciousness, creativity, deepak chopra


A bit off topic but I'm going for it.

Today's leading mind-body teacher, Deepak Chopra, spoke today at the United Nations.

His topic? "Consciousness and the Pursuit of Peace." In the hour plus talk, Deepak shares his insights about the power of creativity, the creation of joy at work and the evolution of human consciousness.

Here's a few take-aways in case you're interested...

There is a new paradigm currently underway. It's called "consciousness." What will be the next phase of human evolution? The survival of the wisest.

Physical stuff is not physical. The essential nature of the physical world is's non-stuff. Yup.

Energy and information is the raw material of the universe.

The physical world is as proportionally void as intergalactic space. Read that again...that's a lot of space!

We are flickering in and out of existence! We are in a state of discontinuity that appears continuous.

Since we are perpetually going in and out of existence, this creates the illusion of continuity. It's the same effect as watching a movie. The frames move fast enough for our eyes to experience continuity. In fact, the movie is nothing but a series of "on" and "off" signals. The exact same thing is happening in "real" life.

Where do we "go" in the "off?" What is in the "off?" What are the qualities of being in the "discontinuity"?

Here are the five attributes of the "off" or discontinuity that leading scientists so far agree on:

1. There are infinite possibilities! There is "all that was, is and will be." Since there is no energy, no space-time, no information in the "off," only an infinite amount of possibilities can exist.

2. Non-correlation. Everything is in harmony with everything else. Everything in nature is perfectly synchronized.

3. Chaos abounds! There is a proliferation of uncertainty.

4. Quantum leaps of creativity occur through that chaos.

5. The "Observer Effect." You cannot have a physical world unless there is a consciousness to witness it.

Through cyberspace, we have for the first time the ability to gather insights from the most forward thinkers alive to achieve critical mass to heal our world.

Perhaps this gives us a glimpse into where our creativity "comes from."

If you don't get it first time around, don't worry. The lecture in not for the light-hearted.

Grab a cup of tea, folks. Do not miss this.


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