The odds are not in your favor.
10-to-1 you haven't thought about the -ONE- most important question you need to ask yourself this year.
I can tell you I didn't. Until Rajesh Setty asked me.
My entrepreneurial friend Rajesh thinks questions are so powerful he is featuring a series of questions on his blog called, "Quought for the Day." (and Raj is quick to point is not a typo!)
Rajesh explains a "Quought" as a question that provokes thought. And as the year 2007 kicks into high gear, Raj is posting a series of questions from brilliant and remarkable thought leaders.
When Raj asked me for my "Quought for the Day," I jumped at the chance...I love asking questions!
Quantum physics raises more questions than it can answer. But understanding the basic concepts behind quantum physics can help you look at life differently...just like asking questions.
So my "Quought for the Day" is therefore, quantum based:
That's my question to you...and to myself as the year unfolds.
It is an honor to be a part of Raj's network and I am especially proud to be associated with such high caliber leaders.
Do take a minute to check out the other "Quoughts for the Day."
Remember...just -ONE- question is all it takes to trigger the answer you've been looking for!