I've been tagged. By a shot glass, no less.
Terry Starbucker, over at Ramblings from a Glass Half Full, is kicking off an interesting "meme-metaphor." Terry poses these four questions:
1. How full is your glass?
2. What kind of glass is it?
3. What's in the glass?
4. Reasons for #1, #2, and #3
He'll collate the answers from everyone who participates and post a "meme-mosaic." Here's my "shot" at his questions:
1. How full is my glass? It's full!
2. What kind of glass? Easy...a tea glass.
3. What's in it? Chai tea, of course.
4. My reasons?
We can choose to drink tea mindfully or not. It's the same thing with our life. We can choose to create, or "drink," our life...consciously or unconsciously.
If we choose to create our lives consciously, then our experiences become wonderfully "tasteful" like chai tea; rich and spicy; full of zip and zest!
And the tea glass? That's like our mind. Our mind is the "container" which holds our "chai" tea experiences together.
I now pass the "glass" invitation to:
Jason Alba
Alex Shalman
Michael Wagner
Robert Hruzek
Adam Kayce