Let the Conversations Begin!
Monday, July 16, 2007 at 07:56AM
Thomas Clifford in conversations, the age of conversation

It's arrived and the presses are already burning!Age%20of%20Conversation%20Lulu%20badge.jpg

 The Age of Conversation is finally available for purchase today and it is already destined to be a revolution in the book publishing world.

I am honored to be one of the many diverse thought leaders in this ground-breaking and unusual book.

The book's concept? Invite over 100 leading writers, marketers and innovative thinkers to collaborate and write a book virtually; each author sharing unique insights regarding the current marketing-communications landscape.

The topic? Conversation, of course, and how the new media landscape is effecting our communication and conversation patterns; personally and professionally.

Hats off to Drew McLellan and Gavin Heaton for pulling off nothing less than a "Houdini-like" performance.

In Drew's recent post, you can find out a list of authors, an introduction to the authors, the book's dedication, and a Google map of the author's locations.

The Advertising Age bookstore has already published a lengthy article on the book and so has Social Computing Magazine.

The Age of Conversation web site is up and running. Grab the feed so you don't miss any part of the conversation! 

Oh, yeah...head on over to Lulu and order your copy today. Or two.


Hardbacks $29.99
Paperbacks $16.95
E-book $9.99

All proceeds benefit Variety, The Children's Charity

Spread the word. Buy the book. Learn something new. Feel great helping others.




Article originally appeared on B2B Copywriter | Hartford, CT (http://www.directortom.com/).
See website for complete article licensing information.