Is Corporate Video Art?
Saturday, August 25, 2007 at 04:00PM
Thomas Clifford in art, corporate video, dream society, rolf jensen, story, the experience economy


Interesting question and certainly one I never even considered.

And I'm not sure there's even a "yes" or "no" answer.

But Rolf Jensen thinks corporate videos can, indeed, be considered art.

And he thinks we need corporate video stories more than ever. Why?

Because we are entering what he calls, "The Experience Economy" or "Dream Society;" an age and time where story and emotions merge to create uniqueness among the competition.

You can read more about the experience economy in Rolf's thought-provoking book, "The Dream Society: How the Coming Shift from Information to Imagination Will Transform Your Business."

So here's an interesting challenge to organizations:

If we can consider corporate video an art form, then perhaps Rolf is right when he says we are in the age of the storyteller.

May the best story win!


Article originally appeared on B2B Copywriter | Hartford, CT (
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