Uh-Oh! It's the CEO!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007 at 08:28AM
Thomas Clifford in ceo, employee communications


Funny how a title effects people.

For example, C-E-O. It's just three letters.

But when the CEO arrives on a film set, the energy quickly shifts from warm and friendly to "Uh-Oh!"

Everybody scrambles. Fear strikes the heart. People are uneasy. Unsure of themselves. Unsure of what to say. Unsure of how to tell the CEO they need another take. And another. And another.

C-E-O. Three powerful letters, right?

Think again.

The camera doesn't care who's in front of the lens.

The camera can't differentiate between people and titles. Which, in a funny way, is truly liberating--for the CEO and the marketing team. Expectations can be re-set. New opportunities can be created.

The camera creates a level playing field for anybody that stands in front of it. Everybody gets the same treatment.

Forget the titles. Drop the fear. Take a breath and relax.

What does the camera care about? Emotion. That's it.

So the next time your CEO is going to be on-camera, remember what C-E-O really means...

"Chief Emotion Officer."


Article originally appeared on B2B Copywriter | Hartford, CT (http://www.directortom.com/).
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