Corporate Videos. What's Your Belief?
Thursday, January 24, 2008 at 03:26PM
Thomas Clifford in beliefs, judjment


Seth Godin has us thinking about bad judgment vs. beliefs.

Which reminds me...

In 1983, I was pulling cables as a grip. A far cry from producing.

It was a Tuesday night. I saw a short film that captured the dedicated staff of a local hospital making a difference in their patient's lives. It was incredibly moving.

In an instant, during that fade to black, I knew my life would be different.

I knew the rest of my life would be spent capturing an organization's soul to create and promote positive changes in the world.

I believed in the power of personal stories then.

I believe it now.

Bad judgment distorts the potential healing power of a video story. Perhaps a new belief can create a new story? Perhaps without bad judgment we can see the inherent greatness each of us have.

Believing in the transformational power of a video story can change someone's life in an instant. Like mine.

Or yours. Or your customer's. Or your employees.


Article originally appeared on B2B Copywriter | Hartford, CT (
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