I'm Featured in The Twitter Survival Guide
Monday, December 8, 2008 at 04:35PM
Thomas Clifford in ebook, twitter, twitter

No. No. No.

I'm not joining Twitter.


Less than a year later, I'm profiled in an eBook about Twitter. Go figure.

If you're as skeptical as I was about using 140 characters to communicate, there's good news.

Bob Walsh and Kristen Nicole just published a fabulous new ebook on getting the most out of Twitter. It's called, "The Twitter Survival Guide: How to Use Twitter to Make Friends, Get a Job, Sell Your Brand and Have Fun."

I'm featured in the Power Profile chapter along with some other cool folks, like Guy Kawasaki, Darren Rowse, Jeremiah Owyang.

The eBook is 90 pages and packed with tips, techniques and links to help you uncover the marketing, branding and conversation possibilities Twitter offers.

Here's a peek at the chapters inside:

1. Why should you care about Twitter?
2. Twitter: What, How, Where and Why?
3. Creating your Twitter presence: A checklist
4. Twitter tools
5. Where does Twitter start and blogging end?
6. What can you do with Twitter?
7. Twitter Power Profiles
8. Conclusions

If you're looking to develop your brand, further your online presence, discover your "voice" or connect with new people, Twitter is an amazing tool.

Oh, yeah. Feel free to follow me on Twitter. Thanks!


Article originally appeared on B2B Copywriter | Hartford, CT (http://www.directortom.com/).
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