Thomas Clifford Interviewed on TalkShoe
Sunday, March 23, 2008 at 04:07PM
Thomas Clifford in corporate video, tom's interviews


Scott Andrews, CEO of ARRiiVE Business Solutions, invited me to participate in a one-hour interview on TalkShoe.

Scott is the host for ARRiiVE: Innovations in Business Weekly Radio Talk Show! Each week, Scott packs his show with some amazing guests sharing a variety of different business strategies. It's great to be a part of his roster...thanks, Scott!

You can get log in details here.

Date: Wednesday, March 26
Time: 5:00 P.M. EST

I'm not sure what Scott has in mind for the interview but I hope to be covering a wide range of topics including:

If you can't make the call, you can download it later. Tune in if you have some time :-)


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