The Other Half of My Soul
Thursday, April 10, 2008 at 09:23PM
Thomas Clifford in blogger social 2008


It was just a train ride. Like any other train ride. But different.

You know how it is.

Something happens to you. Something unique. Something that comes along once in a lifetime.

And it changes you. Perhaps forever. Perhaps half of forever. Whatever.

You're different. Stronger. Better. Clearer. Bolder.

You've defined your place in life.

Just a little bit more than the week before. Or month. Or year.

I know.


That train ride leaving New York's Blogger Social told me something happened.

Wasn't sure yet what was different. But something changed. I needed time. Distance.

So I got to thinking about stories.

So many stories were shared. At the speed of light. Well, kind of.

Do the math. 80 people. 20 hours. Or more. 2 days. That's a lot of talking. That's a lot of stories.

17,200 stories I figure. Told. Shared. Laughed at. Listened to.


Heck, I'm a filmmaker. The number may be off. Never mind. Forget the number. Here's what you need to know.

Thousands, and I mean thousands of stories were told.

And lives changed.

So I got to thinking about the power of stories. Our stories.

Here's what I believe about our stories. I've believed this my whole life. But here's the thing.

Blogger Social manifested and crystalized that belief in few hours.

BAM! Just like that.


So here's my DNA of last weekend. My mini-manifesto of Blogger Social '08. And life.

Thank you CK.

Thank you Drew.

Thank you for creating a new story.

A story that will, no doubt, be looked upon as visionary and historic.

A new story not just for 80 people to believe in...but thousands more.

Not bad for just gettin' a little social, huh?


Article originally appeared on B2B Copywriter | Hartford, CT (
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