It's That Simple: A Manifesto for the 2008 Age of Conversation
Sunday, May 18, 2008 at 11:14AM
Thomas Clifford in age of conversation 2008


This past week, 275 authors submitted their articles for publication in "The Age of Conversation: Why Don't People Get It."

I was delighted to be a part of the first edition available at Now it's time to participate in the second book!

Here's what I've been thinking lately...

At some deep and personal level, I believe we are all seeking meaning to our lives within the context of our existing relationships. People want and need to connect with other people. We want to understand one another. It's really not a difficult concept to grasp. As a matter of fact, I believe it's that simple.

I also believe nonfiction video storytelling for organizations can open doors to initiate conversations that can ultimately help create a better understanding of who we all are. Again, not brain surgery.
It's that simple.

So it was this idea that was the inspiration behind my manifesto for the new book. It's titled:

"It's That Simple: How smart people in smart companies use real video stories to create real emotional connections."

The manifesto is a "call to action." Hopefully, it will inspire people to capture nonfiction personal video stories as a way to initiate conversations with their viewers. To simply deepen our understanding with one another.

Here's how "It's That Simple" ends...

Our stories help us to understand one another. And understanding one another is the first step to transforming the world.

It’s that simple.

I'll keep you posted when the book is available for purchase.


Article originally appeared on B2B Copywriter | Hartford, CT (
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