Tom's SpeedLink #12
Tuesday, October 20, 2009 at 08:52AM
Thomas Clifford in speedlink

Time to share some pretty cool links...

1. New book: "Believe Me: Why Your Vision, Brand, and Leadership Need a Bigger Story."
Michael Margolis, my friend and remarkable business storyteller, just released his first book yesterday entitled, "Believe Me: Why Your Vision, Brand, and Leadership Need a Bigger Story." It's a "storytelling manifesto for change-makers and innovators." Yes, I ordered my copy and can't wait to dive in to it!

2. Honda Launches New Docu-Series On Twitter
Honda's corporate mini-documentaries are some of my favorite programs. I'll have a full article on this new video release on Thursday.

3. Swim Lane Diagram: Dive Into Complex Decision-Making
Paul Williams, branding and marketing genius, gives another neat diagram to help us figure out when we need help ranking and filtering ideas. This diagram was inspired after his Two-by-Two Diagram was such a big hit.

4. Showdown At The Web Corral: Convincing Your Boss to Fix a Hideous Website
I love how author Dan Heath of "Made to Stick" fame answered this delicate question from a reader. I bet you can use this method for other ideas, too.

5. Crude: The Real Price of Oil
Filmmaker Joe Berlinger ( Brother's Keeper, Paradise Lost, Honda mini-documentaries) brings us an amazing new documentary.


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