Are You Asking These 11 Questions Before You Film Your Company's Story?
Thursday, February 12, 2009 at 08:00AM
Thomas Clifford in questions

"What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from.”  T.S. Elliot

 “Are we in sync?”

“I hear what you’re saying.”

“Are we on the same page?”

Perhaps the hardest part of any video project for a client and a filmmaker is discovering a vision together.

If you are about to begin a video project or are thinking about one in the future, these questions are designed to help you focus and frame your direction. Starting at the end is the easiest way to get to the beginning.

Does Your Company’s Video Story Answer These 11 Questions?

1. Why do you want to tell your story using video?

2. Who will see the video?

3. How will the audience see the video?

4. What is the difference between your video story and your printed material?

There is a difference, right?

5. How will the video be distributed?

6. What do you hope to achieve with your video?

7. Which heroes will tell your story?

8. If you want your audience to have an “A-ha!” moment, what would it be?

9. What’s at stake?

Asking “What’s at stake?” in your meetings as well as part of the on-camera interviews is a great way to give a project energy and focus.

10. Do you have a “dragon” in your story? Dragons like:

11. “When our video fades to black, our audience will feel ………”

OK, your turn. This is a start. What am I missing? What questions are spinning through your head now? Jump in and add your questions to the list. 


P.S. Originally posted on my FastCompany column, "Let's See That Again!"

Article originally appeared on B2B Copywriter | Hartford, CT (
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