New Podcast: SOBCon09 Radio Show
Friday, February 20, 2009 at 09:28AM
Thomas Clifford in tom's interviews

I recently completed a 30 minute interview for SOBCon09 Radio which was a blast and I thought I'd share it with you.

SOBCon09 Radio

I covered a lot of ground with Michelle Vandepas who asked some interesting and thoughtful questions. We covered the role of a director in a corporate films, how blogging and twittering have helped spread my ideas, and lots more.

Being interviewed to help promote SOBCon was something I wanted to do to encourage others to go. Not only that, check out the amazing list of people who are part of this incredible community.

I've been fortunate to attend SOBCon, The Successful Outstanding Bloggers Convention, twice; in 2007 and 2008. Whether you're a newbie to blogging or not, this event is a blast. It will stretch your thinking while creating and extending new friendships. Can't beat that!

Grab some tea, kick back and enjoy the show.
I'm partial to homemade chai, but hey, whatever works...just sayin'. :)

I'd love to get your feedback.

Over to you. In the future, what do you want me to talk about? Did I miss something? Not clear on certain ideas? Let me know in the comments. Thanks.


Article originally appeared on B2B Copywriter | Hartford, CT (
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