Are You a Big Thinker?  
Monday, April 20, 2009 at 05:18PM
Thomas Clifford in interview, leadership

In other words, are you a big thinker?

If so, I’ve got great news for you.

Big Think is here.

"We are a global forum connecting people and ideas." 

Big Think is founded by the producers of Charlie Rose and features short video clips of leading thinkers in business and society.

Just a few of the many thought-leaders you’ll find on Big Think are Richard Branson, Paul Krugman, Jimmy Wales, Moby, Deepak Chopra and Andrew Cohen.

What’s the concept behind Big Think?

Here’s what “Big Think” says on their About Us page:

“The Idea: In the global digital age, there is a glut of accessible information. And while this information empowers you, the citizen-consumer, the only way to make any sense of it, is to begin an interactive relationship with the global thought leaders who can deliver the best news and analysis on the Web. Welcome to Big Think.”

Welcome to a new age in video.

Is this the new wave for how organizations will use video to engage their employees, customers, stakeholders?

What do you think?

Share you thoughts here. I'd love to hear what you have to say about this emerging trend.



Article originally appeared on B2B Copywriter | Hartford, CT (
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