2 Updates: The Future of Video Storytelling and My Interview with Nettie Hartsock
Thursday, July 23, 2009 at 04:54PM
Thomas Clifford in interviews with tom, thomas clifford, video storytelling

Yesterday was certainly an interesting day. These two items came across my radar and I thought you would enjoy knowing about them. :)

1. The "Compelling, Inspiring and Radically Simple" Storytelling Test
My friend and storytelling proponent Dr. Kathy Hansen wrote an engaging post called, Do These Videos Pass Test for 'Compelling, Inspiring, Radically Simple' Storytelling?

Kathy is pushing an idea I wrote about earlier into newer and more broad areas. My original post is here: "Is this the future of video storytelling for organizations?" In Kathy's new post, she points to several videos and asks us:

"Do these videos pass Clifford’s test of compelling, inspiring, and radically simple?"

Hmmm...you decide! Thank you, Kathy, for developing these ideas even further!

2. My Interview with Nettie Hartsock from over two years ago

I was totally surprised yesterday when my other good friend, Nettie Hartsock, resurfaced my interview from roughly two years ago!

Nettie asked about:

Nettie, a digital strategist and e-journalist, has been part of the on-line world since "day one." During her time on-line, she has interviewed hundreds of people. Now, Nettie is reposting some of her favorite interviews over this time- I'm delighted to be one of her favorite interviews! I hope you get a moment to read it. Thanks, Nettie!


Article originally appeared on B2B Copywriter | Hartford, CT (http://www.directortom.com/).
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