Enjoy this roundup. =)
Hang on to your hats, folks. This looks amazing! (RSS read click through). A new documentary about advertising, inspiration and how advertisers grab our attention. Read more on The Documentary Blog.
2. #documentary
Even if you don't care a hoot about Twitter, hashtags (#) are a cool way to find out about certain conversations. I used #documentary but you could try virtually any word to find out what's being talked about on Twitter.
3. Master Storyteller Steve Denning
If you're looking to learn the art of using story in business, Steve is your guy. I've read just about everything he's written (still waiting to get to his new one!) and enjoyed every one. He's got a site packed with tons of neat articles.
4. Remember Les Paul With His Chasing Sound Documentary
With the passing away of Les Paul (the grandfather of the electric guitar) recently, now is good time to catch his documentary, Chasing Sound.