Thomas Clifford and 40+ Story Practitioners in Storytelling eBook
Thursday, September 10, 2009 at 07:10AM
Thomas Clifford in applied storytelling, interviews with tom, story practitioner project, storytellers, storytelling

Last summer, Dr. Kathy Hansen, publisher of A Storied Career blog and leading storytelling proponent, invited me to participate in her "story practitioner project."

I was interviewed (along with 42 other professional story practitioners) in a series of Q&A's related to my storytelling experience and corporate filmmaking. Kathy then posted all the individual interviews on her blog. Now the interviews are finally collected under one roof.

I'm totally thrilled to share with you Kathy's new free ebook:
"Storied Careers: 40+ Story Practitioners Talk About Applied Storytelling."

As Kathy says, think of this 88 page book "an international conversation about many applications of storytelling."

Here's a sampling of the 20 chapters in the book:

The back of the book has a complete directory of all 43 practitioners, mini-bios, web and blog addresses, email addresses, Twitter IDs and photos.

Go grab this ebook now! It's a delightful read with much depth, breadth and diversity rarely found in any publication.


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