Tom's SpeedLink #15
Tuesday, January 12, 2010 at 08:19AM
Thomas Clifford in speedlink

Here are a few awesome links, mostly discovered in the last week or so. Enjoy!

1. 15 Kudos to Big Blue: IBM Offers Great Guidance in Social Media and Employee Engagement

2. 10,000 Words: Where Journalism and Technology Meet

3. 99%. It's not about ideas. It's about making ideas happen.
Productivity tips for creative professionals. I luuuuv this site.
And don't miss Best of Behance's 99% Conference: 13 Tried and True Practices For Making Ideas Happen

4. Tom Peters!
Tom's site is packed (and I mean POWER-PACKED!) with goodies. And while the Tom Peters YouTube Channel is pretty new, he has some awesome short videos posted.

5. FranklinCovey blog
If you enjoy reading Stephen Covey as much as I do, you also might enjoy reading the FranklinCovey blog.

6. Get Storied
In a previous post, I mentioned my friend and brand storyteller Michael Margolis regarding his "Believe Me: A Free Business Storytelling Book for Innovators." Be sure to stop by his new Get Storied website and check out Michael's new book while you're there.

7. Creative Block #1 – “I’m Not Creative” and Creative Block #2 – Fear of Getting It Wrong
Creativity coach Mark McGuinness has a great series running on creative blocks. Worth a peek, for sure.


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