Got 11 minutes? You won't want to miss this gripping mini-documentary taking you behind the scenes of a TEDTalk.
Here is the TED link for full credits and further information.
Hats off to TED, the crew and the producers for a job well done.
Here's a quick update on this neat "behind-the-scenes" video.
I thought it'd be fun to deconstruct the video and find the main ingredients that make this film so engaging. So that's what I did.
You can read the analysis in my recent article for Content Marketing Institute, "5 Engaging Video Ingredients: Deconstructing a TEDTalk Mini-Documentary."
These ingredients are the same ingredients any company can use in their marketing videos.
If your organization is hosting an event, consider capturing the event (or some of it) on video. Capturing it on video is a great marketing opportunity you may not have considered before.
What are the five engaging ingredients? Head on over to Content Marketing Institute to find out.