It’s going to happen.
You get an idea while driving, walking or shopping.
You fire up the computer.
Then—you can’t write.
So how can you ramp up your ability to write quickly, without a lot of hoopla?
For instance, I started writing this post with this tip first. Then I wrote about the third tip, then the second tip. I then worked my way to the summary and, finally, I wrote the introduction.
Action item: There’s no writing rule that says you have to start at the beginning. Start where you feel most inspired.
Mark Levy is an expert in the area of freewriting. You can read my interview with Mark on how to solve problems through freewriting.
Mark has written a book exclusively about freewriting: “Accidental Genius: Using Writing to Generate Your Best Ideas, Insight and Content.”
Action item: Write for 10 minutes straight—as fast as you can—without stopping. See if this reveals new ideas that may be hiding under the cobwebs.
When I first used a timer, the ticking noise drove me nuts. But after a few more attempts, the clicking sound now subconsciously drives me to write. In fact, it’s hard not to write with the timer ticking away!
If you want to learn more about using short sprinting cycles to increase your productivity, read the two articles I’ve written about the Pomodoro Technique.
You can even download a timer for your toolbar. It’s $4.99 and fully customizable. (You can also search for free timers.)
Action item: Get a timer and explore using it both with and without sound. Find out what works for you. Adjust the length of your sessions accordingly.
There you go—three simple techniques to boost your writing output.
• What about you?
• Do you use similar techniques to write quickly?
• Did I miss a technique?
• Any questions on these three methods?
• What (often ignored) writing tricks do you use to keep your writing flowing?
P.S. Receive my free e-book, 5 (Ridiculously Simple) Ways to Write Faster, Better, Easier when you subscribe to this blog’s updates. It’s over 20 pages and packed with simple writing techniques to help you boost your writing power.