Here are some neat and, yes, long overdue speedlinks! Enjoy.
1. Creative Block #7 – ”I Don’t Know What I Want to Say”
Mark McGuinness continues his awesome series on breaking through our creative blocks.
2. Ebook: 10 Steps to Powerful Online Self Promotion for Creatives
I haven't read this yet but Alex Mathers has put together a neat looking ebook on promoting yourself online. BTW: consider grabbing his rss feed; it's great stuff!
3. Fascinate: Your 7 Triggers to Persuasion and Captivation
Sally Hogshead, author of Radical Careering, bring us a new book on how seven "triggers" can captivate our audiences.
4. Making Ideas Happen: Overcoming the Obstacles Between Vision & Reality
Behance CEO & Founder, Scott Belsky, has a new book coming out next month. From the book's site: "In about 250 pages, the book collects a series of pragmatic tips, tools, and anecdotes about the art (and science) of making ideas happen."
5. Scott Belsky: Don't Let Your Genius Go Unnoticed
Speaking of Scott Belsky, here's a three minute video of Scott talking about the importance of marketing ourselves, understanding our strengths and getting the recognition our strengths deserve.