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"Thomas Clifford has made something useful here. This report will give you some really catchy, useful ideas.

It made me reconsider how I do what I do, so you might give it a look-see, too!" 

Chris Brogan, President, Human Business Works 

"Tom Clifford is by trade a filmmaker. For most of his life, he rarely wrote anything longer than a brief comment in the margin of a script. 

Now, though, he's producing tens of thousands of words a year, first as a Fast Company "Expert Blogger," and then as a writer for the Content Marketing Institute. 

How did Tom go from a non-writer to a prolific and much-read one? His eBook, '5 (Ridiculously Simple) Ways . . . , ' holds some of his secrets."

Mark Levy, Author of "Accidental Genius: Using Writing to Generate your Best Ideas, Insight, and Content"

“Tom is one of the nicest people you’ll ever meet—if you have the privilege to meet him. And he does sterling work as well. But don’t just take my word for it.

Read this free report and you’ll not just love its tone and content, but learn a lot as well.”

Sean D’Souza, Psychotactics.com

“Anyone who wants to improve their writing needs this e-book. A lot of ebooks are short because they just don’t have much substance to offer. They’re not worth your time (and so are many of the long ones, too, for that matter). Tom’s is short because he’s so good at giving you only what you need to know. 

‘5 (Ridiculously Simple) Ways to Write Faster, Better, Easier’ lives up to its promise by example as well as in the words themselves. Tom used the very same techniques he teaches you to write this book. 

And what’s in here is not just a rehash of the same tired ideas you find coming from people who have suddenly fancied themselves as writing gurus. There are tricks in here I never heard of (like the Writing Funnel) and some I had forgotten about and was glad to be reminded of (like Sporadic Writing).” 

Michael Martine, Blog Alchemist, Remarkablogger.com 

Entries by Thomas Clifford (309)


The Hero's Journey Pt.3: Capturing the Corporate Video Interview

The crew is ready. Your interviewee, or hero, is ready. You’re ready.

Now, the second part of the “hero’s journey,” the “initiation,” is about to begin.

Of course, this initiation is not a series of tests in the classical sense of the “hero’s journey.” Think of the “initiation” as a conversation; simply a series of explorations into someone’s point of view.

We started off this series talking about the hero’s journey as a metaphor for video storytelling.

The next post shared the steps to prepare for the video interview, or the first stage of the hero’s journey; the “separation.”

  • Step 1. Be a story steward
  • Step 2. The story is in your answers
  • Step 3. Keep the questions to yourself

This post will focus on the second stage of the hero’s journey, the initiation, and the three components to successfully capture your hero’s story on-camera.

The Hero’s Journey: The Initiation

Step 1. Warm-up questions
It’s tempting to jump right in and start asking questions about your topic. That can be a rough way to start your conversation, especially for someone who has never appeared on camera before. Consider entering the conversation informally and more naturally, like you were asking questions over a meal.

Begin the conversation by asking questions you may not use in your video but will put everyone at ease. You’ll be pleasantly surprised that some of the answers to these warm-up questions are a great way to start or end your video.

Here are a few questions I like to ask to gradually get the conversation going. Pick what will work for you.
• What were you doing before you came here?
• How did you discover this job?
• What’s a good day for you look like?
• How does that make you feel?
• What are you passionate about? What makes you tick?
• When you were coming into work this morning, what were you thinking about?
• When someone asks you what its like to work here, what do you say?
• What’s the culture like here? Describe it for those who haven’t been here.

Step 2. Provide space in-between questions
Once the conversation is underway, turn your attention to the content of the video.
Now that the conversation is underway, here’s a simple technique to get the most from your interview.

Instead of jumping right into the next question, wait a few seconds before speaking. Give a moment to the interviewee to see if they want to add anything else to what they just said. It may look like they finished their statement, but in fact, they often want to say more. They just need the space to say it. Provide that space with a few seconds of pause before you jump into your next question.

Step 3. What did we miss?
You asked all your questions; even a few extra spontaneous ones. You’re done, right? Not yet.

Take a few moments to reflect on what was covered. Nine times out of 10, you missed something. Think of asking your questions from a different perspective. Perhaps you didn’t cover a certain area of your customers, vendors, company divisions, etc.

Another great technique I often use is to turn around and ask my film crew if they have any questions. A crew brings an entirely different perspective to the conversation and it’s a great way to capture additional and important ideas you might have missed.

Speaking of missing, what did I miss? What tips or techniques have you used to capture a great interview? If you’ve appeared in a company film, what suggestions would you share to make the journey more successful and inspiring?


P.S. Originally posted on my FastCompany.com column, "Let's See That Again!"


The Hero’s Journey Pt.2: Preparing the Video Interview

“C’mon. How hard is it, really, to ask a few questions to someone when the camera is rolling?”

Asking questions is easy.

Asking the right questions is the hard part

Your audience is begging to hear something special from your interview. Ask the wrong questions and you will not only disappoint an audience but your message has a good chance of being tuned out.

The previous post introduced the concept of employees as being “heroes” in their company video. Indeed, an employee appearing on-camera goes through the classic three part “hero’s journey:” separation, initiation and return.

The Hero’s Journey: The Separation

Let’s take a look at the first part of the “hero’s journey;” the “separation.”

The “separation” happens when a company decides to produce a video and employees are asked to appear in it. You might wonder:

  • What is your role?
  • Should you give the hero a list of questions ahead of time?
  • Does the hero memorize their answers?
  • What goes through the mind of the employee?

Here are three simple steps you can use to make your hero feel comfortable before the conversation happens on-camera. These steps will also make you, the interviewer, and your hero feel more confident before the camera rolls.

Step 1. Be a story steward

A steward is a caretaker; someone is responsible to take care of something. As the hero (employee) leaves the comfort of the office and ventures into a new land (the video set), they will need a guide; someone to take care of their story. Ultimately your role is being the “story steward.”

Many years ago, I remember someone totally freezing up on-camera as we started the conversation. After taking a break, I re-assured them their conversation was safe in my hands and it was me who was editing their words and responsible for shaping their story. When I said that, everything changed. The person opened up and felt comfortable knowing they didn’t have deliver a perfect conversation.

Here’s a tip. The hero wants to know what is going to happen to their interview when it’s over. The questions swirling around their head are:
• “Who’s going to see this?”
• “Will my boss see it?”
• “Will management see it?”
• “What if I stumble?”
• “Can I say something again if I mess up?”
• “Do I have to say everything perfectly?”

As the interviewer (that’s you!) and the caretaker, it’s important to let the employee know their words are taken care of; they are in your hands. Reassure them it is you who will take care of their story. It is you who will craft their message in a way that tells their story authentically.

Step 2. Your story is in the answers

What’s easier? Cranking out a list of questions? or writing down answers that you imagine your hero will say? The first, of course.

The problem with just writing a list of questions is that it doesn’t get to the heart of what you want your hero to talk about. Sure, you will get answers if you ask a bunch of questions. But will it be as strong and powerful as it could be?

Writing down the answers you imagine your interviewee will say gets to a deeper level. It gets past the superficial questions that everyone would ask anyways. That is exactly what your audience wants to hear. This is also how video should be used; to capture real, spontaneous, emotional responses. Why bother otherwise?

Step 3. Keep the questions to yourself

“Can I see the questions ahead of time?”

While it’s tempting to let the hero see your questions ahead of time, it’s best not to. If you do, here’s what will most likely happen: they’ll freeze up on the day of filming. Why? Because they were busy memorizing their answers. A conversation comes from the heart. Memorizing answers comes from the head.

Remember, you’re capturing emotional responses at the moment they happen. You’re not re-creating artificial responses. Spontaneity is crucial. The interviewee should certainly know about the themes or ideas you will be talking about but avoid providing specific questions. This keeps things wide open and lends for a fun and engaging conversation.

That about sums it up for now. Have you been interviewed for a company video? Have you ever interviewed someone? What was it like? I’d love to hear from you.

P.S. Originally posted on my FastCompany.com column, "Let's See That Again!"


Podcast: Bringing Brands to Visual Life

My interview with social media coach and speaker Anna Farmery of The Engaging Brand is now live. I can tell you this much; I had a blast talking with Anna.

The podcast, Bringing Brands to Visual Life, is about 24:00 in length...perfect for home, the office or the car. Anna's energy really kept things alive and moving!

I had the pleasure of meeting Anna at the Blogger Social earlier this year. Her blog is ranked in AdAge's Top 100 and is considered a "must read leadership" blog.

Thank you, Anna, for inviting me on to The Engaging Brand show!

I hope y'all enjoy it! :-)



The Hero’s Journey Pt.1: Corporate Video Storytelling

"Whoa! Those are some lights!"

9 out of 10 times that’s what the “hero,” or the person being filmed on video, will say when they walk on to the set for an interview.

A feeling of excitement is in the air. Something fun, adventurous and different is about to happen.

Have you ever been interviewed on-camera?

If you haven’t, one thing’s for sure. It’s definitely not your typical day in the office.

Imagine. You’re an employee. You have a particular point of view. You’re passionate. You have a story to tell. And you've been asked if you'd like to be in your company video. You jump at the chance!

Tape is rolling. You're having a lengthy conversation while bright lights surround you. Crew members are watching closely. You’re not sure what questions are coming next. You’re editing your thoughts making sure you say the “right” thing. How do you think you’d be feeling? A bit nervous? You bet!

But something spectacular happens right after the conversation

The “hero” feels differently. More alive. Empowered.

What just happened in that hour? They shared part of their story. They shared their point of view. I believe they experienced what Joseph Campbell spent much of his life teaching and sharing with us: “The Hero’s Journey.”

Heroes are participating in more than just an interview

I like to call the people I’m talking to in a video, “heroes.”

Appearing on-camera is a heroic act

Most of us usually go through life without having to appear on-camera; it’s just not a natural part of our everyday routine.

But let’s face it.

Being interviewed for your company’s video isn’t exactly like being in Star Wars

Although, for most people, it is a new and exciting journey. They leave their comfort zone, engage in a new adventure, and return to the office thrilled to share their excitement in getting to tell their side of the story. They get to share ideas that usually remain tucked away. Now they have a chance to share it in a conversation for a video.

Being interviewed is like the "hero's journey"

Changing the language from “interview” to “conversation” and “journey” relaxes everyone’s expectations and opens up opportunities for emotional surprises. What often happens is a sharing of personal points of view. The hero’s emotions move quickly from status quo to nervousness to excitement and wonder.

3 steps to the hero’s journey

While there are many steps in the traditional “hero’s journey,” for our purposes we’ll keep things simple with the three classic steps:

  • The Separation
  • The Initiation
  • The Return

The Separation

In your company’s video, the hero gets “the call to action”to appear on-camera. They leave their status quo, their “home” and comfort zone. They begin a venture into new territory. In a company video, the hero is as simple as discovering your best storytellers; from employees, to customers,vendors, volunteers, etc.

The Initiation

Lightsabers and monsters on the company set? Well, not exactly.
But the hero will certainly feel challenged simply from experiencing something so different, right from the moment they enter the room or set. While filming is under way, the conversation can take any number ofsurprising and fun turns from personal stories and perspectives to new opportunities imagined for employees and the organization. A good interviewer will ask thought-provoking questions to create an emotional connection with the viewer. New territory, indeed.

The Return

In the classic hero’s journey myth, the hero returns to common life and shares their newly gained knowledge to others. This happens often if I catch up later on with the heroes I’ve interviewed . They express deep thanks for the opportunity to tell their story and share their perspective on what matters most to them. Somehow, their lives have changed, even if things “appear the same.” The journey took place inside, not outside.

How do you prepare yourself and the hero for “the departure,” the video interview?

Do you cross your fingers and hope they say the right things? What happens if someone freezes up and they won’t talk? I'd love to hear from you!

I’ll share a few tricks both you and your hero can use to create a comfortable on-camera journey.

The next three posts will explore ways to prepare, capture and tell a hero’s story through having a conversation.

P.S. Originally posted on my FastCompany.com column, "Let's See That Again!"


Video Storytelling Toolkit: Getting Your Company’s Story on Screen

Seen enough videos by now? How can you avoid it? They’re everywhere.

Not only that, you probably feel like you’ve seen so many videos you could easily produce one for your organization, right?

So imagine this.

Management just told you and your team to get a video done for the company. Lots of eyeballs will be on this one.
• What are you going to do?
• Where do you turn for help?
• How does the video process work?
• Is there a quick reference to help you?

What’s missing is a video storytelling guide.

Clients don’t usually produce videos often so they need a coach. A “story sherpa.” A guide to help you discover your organization’s story and capture it on video.

Getting the story out of your head and on to the screen.
To help clients get started in the video storytelling process, I published a 24 page manifesto and collaborated on two other eBooks. All three publications were designed specifically to ignite your imagination and create awareness about the possibilities your organization’s video story can have.

What exactly is the video storytelling toolkit?
I’ll first tell you what it’s not.
• It is not about how to make a video.
• It’s not technical.

It is about discovering the power of story.
It’s a series of three eBooks (yes, they're free) that will inspire you to think differently about telling your story through video. By raising your awareness of what’s possible, you can make the right choices to the heart of your story.

Guide #1. ContentWise: Corporate Video 101
• How do you measure your video’s impact?
• Do you know how to work with a producer? (featuring yours truly!)
• Should you hire an in-house producer?
• How do a craft a basic script?
• Are you ready to produce your own video?

Guide #2. Ask(?)Way: Take Your Brand from Commodity to Community
• How do you find and retain talent using the power of video?
• What is the role of management in the creation of a video?
• How to use video to expand your community.
• Using documentaries as a source of inspiration.

Guide #3. ChangeThis Manifesto: Bring Your Brand to Life! Harnessing the Power of Remarkable Corporate Video Stories
• What are the five myths of corporate videos?
• 10 reasons why corporate videos matter.
• What are the two biggest dips in every organization’s video?
• 6 ways to make your video pop!

There you go. Your own video storytelling “toolkit.” Make sure you download these beautifully designed PDF’s and keep them handy. You will find these guides helpful and inspirational while providing you encouragement to capture authentic and meaning films for your organization.

What do you think? Is there something not covered in the books that you’d like to see in the future? Did any part of the material spark an idea?

P.S. Originally posted on Tom's FastCompany.com column, "Let's See That Again!"