"Can Our Diversity Video Be the Same...But Different?"

Pitches. The "dog and pony" show. "Show 'n' Tell."
Many of us do this all the time. At some point in our career, we are called to showcase our work and convince others that they want the same thing...but different.
It was my turn this week. This one had a twist.
I was thrown a question I never heard before. It taught me a lot about assumptions and what occurs inside the minds of potential clients who are thinking about producing a corporate video.
This particular pitch was to a Fortune 100. They had heard about my diversity film for Deloitte featuring their employees as "storytellers." They, too, wanted to tell their diversity story through video.
So after the grand introductions, they saw the film. And then...there was... a...L-O-N-G...period...of silence.
Then the stillness broke: "Does our diversity film have to be like that?"
No, it didn't. I knew that. But they didn't. They've never made a film before. And that's the point. It's the same. But different.
Every story is different. Different characters and storytellers. Different environments and situations.
Every story is also the same. Every story has to move and propel people into new directions. To think differently. To question assumptions. It has to be emotionally engaging so you can see yourself in the story.
It's the same. But different. And this new story will, indeed, be different. But the same.
Reader Comments (2)
Glad you enjoyed this post...it didn't really hit me till a few days later that potential clients
don't always "see" their story in the stories I have produced for other clients.
Sure, they know I produce and direct corporate films and help define organizations tell authentic stories...but THEIR story? That's different!
I often think I'm half teacher, half producer :-)
Thanks for your lovely comment.