I'm Tom and welcome to my site.

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E-Book Testimonials

"Thomas Clifford has made something useful here. This report will give you some really catchy, useful ideas.

It made me reconsider how I do what I do, so you might give it a look-see, too!" 

Chris Brogan, President, Human Business Works 

"Tom Clifford is by trade a filmmaker. For most of his life, he rarely wrote anything longer than a brief comment in the margin of a script. 

Now, though, he's producing tens of thousands of words a year, first as a Fast Company "Expert Blogger," and then as a writer for the Content Marketing Institute. 

How did Tom go from a non-writer to a prolific and much-read one? His eBook, '5 (Ridiculously Simple) Ways . . . , ' holds some of his secrets."

Mark Levy, Author of "Accidental Genius: Using Writing to Generate your Best Ideas, Insight, and Content"

“Tom is one of the nicest people you’ll ever meet—if you have the privilege to meet him. And he does sterling work as well. But don’t just take my word for it.

Read this free report and you’ll not just love its tone and content, but learn a lot as well.”

Sean D’Souza, Psychotactics.com

“Anyone who wants to improve their writing needs this e-book. A lot of ebooks are short because they just don’t have much substance to offer. They’re not worth your time (and so are many of the long ones, too, for that matter). Tom’s is short because he’s so good at giving you only what you need to know. 

‘5 (Ridiculously Simple) Ways to Write Faster, Better, Easier’ lives up to its promise by example as well as in the words themselves. Tom used the very same techniques he teaches you to write this book. 

And what’s in here is not just a rehash of the same tired ideas you find coming from people who have suddenly fancied themselves as writing gurus. There are tricks in here I never heard of (like the Writing Funnel) and some I had forgotten about and was glad to be reminded of (like Sporadic Writing).” 

Michael Martine, Blog Alchemist, Remarkablogger.com 

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"Bringing Brands to Life" Turns One Year Old


It's one thing when dreams turn into reality.

It's even more remarkable when reality exceeds your dreams!

This site is one year old and what a year it's been!

I remember registering for this blog a little more than a year ago. Then reality hit. Boom! I have this thing called a "blog." Now what?

So I found myself:

  • Staring at a blank screen for several days.
  • Dreaming of what to say.
  • Thinking, "Where is this journey going to take me?"

Well, now I know. Kind of.

Here's what I do know.

The journey so far has revealed dozens of remarkable friends and countless hours of heartfelt conversations.

I also discovered that "Bringing Brands to Life!" fills a huge void in the world of marketing and branding. I am delighted to be a "voice" that extends and deepens this conversation.

So as we move into another year of dialogue, I invite your feedback on all aspects of the site to make it more meaningful to you and all readers. Your suggestions on design, content, blog tools, etc. are needed and deeply appreciated.

Thank you for helping me turn a dream into a reality.

I am blessed.


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Reader Comments (9)


Imagine a "Happy Birthday" soundtrack.

You made me realize that this week was my first anniversary as well. Apparently my attention to detail doesn't approach yours :-)

Here's something to mull over for a future series:

When I work with clients who need to produce a video I always have to re-learn that, for most, the whole process is foreign. Everything from creating the story to post-production. If I take them to the editing studio they can't believe it when they watch frames and "uhhhs" vanish without a hitch.

A step-by-step, beginning-to-end series on the "life of a video" would be an eye opener for many. Since I haven't been able to go through all of your archives I don't know whether or not you've done that already. If so, please forgive the oversight.

All the best for the next year's worth of posts!
August 22, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterSteve Roesler
Hi Steve,

Thanks for the comment and I've actually considered writing something like a "life of a video" description.

I have not written specifically a "process" to create a video, but many issues dealing with the creation of a video story.

Many clients are indeed first-timers and the education process is the same.

Thanks for the suggestion...consider it done :-)

August 22, 2007 | Registered CommenterThomas Clifford
Happy 1 year Anniversary Tom!...

Your work isn't only making a difference to the corporate world. Your passion and enthusiasm has inspired me and that directly impacts my work and in turn my clients!. I know I am not alone in that feeling!

Nancy Gregory - Media 1 Productions

Thanks, Nancy!

Glad to know my words are inspiring you and your work. Keep the faith and fuel the fire :-)

August 23, 2007 | Registered CommenterThomas Clifford

Thank you for staying the course. Thank you for teaching us so many things about stories and people through video. Most importantly, thank you for being an inspiration and source of ideas. May your next one be even more visual ;-)
August 24, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterValeria Maltoni
Thanks, Valeria :-)

August 24, 2007 | Registered CommenterThomas Clifford
Only a year? Tom, it seems like so much longer my friend. You are doing great things here, and I learn a lot about my own storytelling through your lens. Thanks for all you do.

Please keep on keeping on!
August 25, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterPhil Gerbyshak
Thanks, Phil!

We'll keep on truckin' my friend :-)

August 25, 2007 | Registered CommenterThomas Clifford
Indeed you fill a niche in the world of marketing, advertising and branding. Happy Blog Birthday.
August 28, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterVivienne Quek

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