Tom's SpeedLink #16
Enjoy today's roundup...
1. In between frames
Absolutely brilliant little riff from Seth Godin. "Consumers are too smart for the frames. It's the in-between frame stuff that matters. And yet marketers spend 103% of our time on the frames."
2. Why write a book?
And speaking of Seth, his new book, Linchpin, launches today. I finished my advance copy yesterday and it's Seth's finest, IMHO.
3. The basic principles of nonverbal communication -1
Communications master Nick Morgan has a great series on nonverbal communications.
4. 10 Documentaries to look out for in 2010
The Documentary Blog has a round-up of doc's to keep your eye on this year.
5. Edelman Change and Employee Engagement blog
Interesting blog on organizational communications.
6. What’s the meaning of your message?
Do you care about your communications? Thought-provoking piece by Tom Asacker.
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